5 ways to boost scholl staff wellbeing | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

5 Ways to Boost School Staff Wellbeing

At this time of the year for most schools, there is a lot of focus on helping students prepare for their end of year exams. As the headteacher, you will also be aware of how the wellbeing of your staff plays a crucial part in a successful outcome for all concerned. The challenges of the …

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hand reflexology for stress relief

Reflexology Techniques to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

A rise in stress and anxiety can impact your professional and personal life. That stress affects you physically as well as mentally and emotionally. Most of you will have experienced tension in your shoulders, back, hands, and feet at some point. How does that make you feel? When your body reacts to stress and anxiety …

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summer holiday | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Creating a Happy Holiday Break

It’s the summer holiday season and if you’re a busy working mom you may be feeling excited and enthusiastic about time off with the kids. These feelings may be mixed with feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed at the thought of how to create a happy holiday break for everyone. Previously your six weeks summer …

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Setting boundaries | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is something we do as second nature. We have them in all areas of our lives: financial, physical, sexual, emotional, with family and friends, at work etc. Closely linked to our upbringing and usually reflecting our values, boundaries allow everyone to know where they stand. Never be afraid to set boundaries as they …

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Affirmations | Creating your own affirmations |Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to write affirmations that work

For most people, our self-talk (the voice inside our head) usually has negative undertones. I’m too short, I’m too fat, I’m unfit, I can’t do that, I haven’t got a good memory are the ones that spring to mind for me and I’m sure they are (or something similar) the same for other people too. …

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burnout | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Recognising and managing your stress levels

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected us all in one way or another. Feelings of anxiety, isolation, depression and loss have all been prevalent over the last 12 months. The number of situations that wouldn’t normally cause you to feel stressed may have escalated during the lockdown and some signs that you are stressed may have …

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distant reiki treatment | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

What is Distant Reiki?

If you’ve had an in-person Reiki treatment with me, you’ll know how relaxing it is and how energised and calm you feel after it. My treatment rooms are all designed to give you a relaxing atmosphere to have your treatment in. As you lie on my couch, I link up with the Reiki energy and …

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boost your energy levels | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to quickly boost your energy levels

We all get tired from time to time and need more energy. Strong coffee or an energy drink will quickly boost your energy levels but in the long term, something more sustainable (and healthier) is needed. I regularly recommend simple, quick energy-boosting activities to my clients. One initially sceptical client tried a suggestion and was …

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how to get me-time | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How do I get me-time?

Is this you? You’ve made the time and put in the effort to have some me-time only to feel just as tired or as stressed as you were before it at the end of it! It feels like everyone needs you to do something for them and all those tasks have to be done now. …

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self care | Complete Harmony | what is self care | Sharon Taylor

What the heck is self-care anyway?

This month my focus is on self-care. But what the heck is self-care anyway I hear you cry? Self-care is often regarded as being selfish – looking after yourself first and not attending to the needs of others. Putting other people first is polite and appropriate at times. Pouring them the first drink, offering them a …

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why taking time out is good for you | Sharon Taylor | Complete Hamrony

Why is taking time out good for you?

Do you sometimes feel like you are on a merry-go-round getting nowhere fast? We all live busy lives – work, social life, family, children, extended families, social media. It’s easy to overlook the need to take time out for yourself. Time alone to just relax, reflect and recharge. Time to identify, reconnect and take stock …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234

Email: sharon@complete-harmony.co.uk

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