About Complete Harmony
A place to feel relaxed mentally and physically with therapeutic treatments of reflexology, reiki and meditations.
Sessions are available face-to-face and online.

Run by Sharon Taylor, with hands-on treatments available in Tamworth.
Complete Harmony provides a place where you can relax, recharge and re-energise in the knowledge that you are in the safe and caring hands of an expert complementary therapist.
All the hands-on treatments Sharon provides work well alongside conventional medicine in a safe and complementary way and your treatment sessions will be designed taking your health and medication into account.
The range of treatments are not cures for diseases, but can help with symptom management and can provide relief for numerous conditions including:-
mental and emotional stress and anxiety,
headaches and migraine,
hormonal imbalance,
asthma and sinusitis,
aches and pains,
insomnia and tiredness
to name but a few.
Whichever treatment you choose to have it will be designed and adapted just for you and will be given in an atmosphere that will induce relaxation of your mind, body and spirit.
Sharon is a fully qualified complementary therapist, registered with the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) and has a valid DBS certificate.
Online Services
If you’re not able to get to Sharon for hands-on, face-to-face treatments, take a look at the online services that are on offer. If you want to work with her 1-2-1 or as part of a group, there is something to suit you.

About Sharon
Hi. I’m Sharon and I worked for over 25 years in local government gaining qualifications to degree level in finance, business and management. Whilst there I lived through many stressful and anxious situations.
As a result, I suffered from stress and illnesses that were stress and anxiety-related.
I felt tired, had low energy, my immune system was low, I couldn’t think straight and was heading towards burnout. I was advised to make some changes to my lifestyle to reduce and manage my stress levels better. Treatments of aromatherapy and reflexology were suggested. After experiencing the remarkable (and for me, life-changing) benefits of these treatments to increase my physical, mental and emotional energy levels and resulting in reducing my stress and anxiety levels, I decided to train as a therapist.
In 2002, as if life wasn’t busy enough; with a home to run, a partner, two young children (all with busy social lives), me travelling nationally and internationally for conferences, two nervous cats and working part-time in finance, I booked myself onto a full-time complementary therapy course. Qualifying in 2003, I decided to increase my knowledge and qualifications by continuing to study for another year.
In 2008, having been fully qualified for five years and with some therapy experience under my belt, I resigned from my well-paid position to become a self-employed therapist.
I’m passionate about sharing my therapy skills, knowledge and my life experiences to help others. Helping them to be gain more energy by recognising, managing and reducing their own physical, mental and emotional stress and anxiety levels, is what I love to do. With the addition of my online services, courses and workshops, I am now able to reach and support more people.

Since qualifying, I regularly update my skills and knowledge and I now have qualifications in the following therapies and modalities: –
- Advanced massage techniques
- Advanced reflexology techniques
- Aromatherapy
- Bamboo massage
- Body massage
- Colour therapy
- Crystal therapy
- Ear candling
- Emmett Technique
- Facial rejuvenation
- Flower remedies
- Holistic facial massage
- IMPACT Instructor training
- Indian head massage
- Journal Therapy Diploma
- Life Coaching Diploma
- Meditation
- Massage in pregnancy
- Meridian Therapy
- ‘M’ Technique
- Nutrition advice
- On-site massage
- Reflexology
- Reiki-Master/teacher
- Stone therapy massage
- Self-care facial reflexology
- Self-care hand reflexology
Of the many hands-on therapies I’m qualified in, I have chosen to specialise in:-
- Reflexology
- Reiki Therapy (hands-on and distant)
- Meditation (in person and online)
I’ve chosen to specialise in these treatments because I believe that they work well together, they are proven to help reduce mental and emotional stress and my clients have had great results when I use a combination of these modalities in one treatment session.
I am known for the results clients get from booking a package of treatments with me.
As well as working with individuals, I work closely with a local carers’ organisation providing treatments and workshops for their service users at relaxation events.
In my spare time, I have provided treatments and been the Fundraising Trustee for a local cancer support charity that has a holistic approach.
If you would like to find out how working with me has helped others just like you