how to stay hydrated | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to stay hydrated

Are you drinking enough water? Do you find it difficult to up your intake from one or two small glasses a day? This may be because: #1. You don’t like the taste (not all water taste the same) #2. You’ll need to take too many trips to the toilet #3. You’re too busy and you …

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How to get a goo nights sleep | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

5 ways to get a good night’s sleep

We all need to sleep. Sleep gives your body the time and ability to rest, repair, grow and support your natural biorhythms. After a good night’s sleep we will feel relaxed and energised – who doesn’t want that! For our bodies to repair and grow, within a 24 hour period a certain number of hours …

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take a pit stop | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Running on empty? Five ways to refuel

You know that feeling when you feel you’re running on empty? Your body feel heavy, your movements are slow and sluggish and you can’t think straight. You’d like to be doing more but you only have enough physical or mental strength to get you through the day. The treatments I offer are great for helping …

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drinking more water | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

5 easy ways to drink more water

We’re all drinking our 2 litres of water every day, right? Our body is composed of about 60% water. In hot weather, we will naturally increase our water intake but when the weather turns colder it’s sometimes not as easy to get your 2 litres in. Five ways to increase your water intake Flavour it with …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234


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