5 ways to get a good night’s sleep

We all need to sleep. Sleep gives your body the time and ability to rest, repair, grow and support your natural biorhythms.

After a good night’s sleep we will feel relaxed and energised – who doesn’t want that! For our bodies to repair and grow, within a 24 hour period a certain number of hours sleep is suggested depending on our age.

  • Babies 16-18 hours,
  • Toddlers 10-12 hours,
  • Teenagers 9 hours and
  • Adults 7-9 hours.how to get a good nights sleep | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

There is lots of evidence-based research into the effects on us when we have endured long periods of sleep deprivation. It can lead to problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, low-mood, becoming accident prone, memory loss and weakness of your immune system.

Increase the quality and quantity of your sleep by following these 5 simple steps

1. Have breakfast

  • Breakfast is a very important meal. It breaks your fast and kick-starts your body for the day ahead. Ideally, eat within 30 minutes of getting up.
  • If you’re not used to having breakfast start with something small and build up over a few days. Ideally have some protein as this will keep hunger at bay for longer.

2. Drink plenty of water

  • This will help you to stay hydrated during the day.
  • Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells that need hydrating for us to function at an optimum level.
  • Two litres is the usual amount for adults. Drink more during hot weather and when you are exercising.
  • Also, reduce caffeine, hot chocolate or alcohol and any other stimulants during the day and especially before bedtime.

3. Get some fresh air

  • Get plenty of fresh air and exercise during the day.
  • Do this by taking the stairs and not the lift; park the car further away; go for a walk at lunchtime.
  • Keeping active during the day will help to prepare you for a restful night.

4. Have a bedtime routine

  • Have a regular time for bed and a bedtime routine that will prepare your body for rest.
  • Set an alarm 30 minutes before bedtime and start getting ready and winding down for sleeping.
  • Have an early time for bed – ideally before midnight.
  • Make sure your bedroom and bedding are comfortable.
  • Check heating, ventilation, darkness and reduce clutter in the bedroom.
  • You will sleep better in a place that is comfortable and inviting.

5. Avoid technology

  • Avoid watching TV, playing computer games, mobile phones etc. for at least an hour before your bedtime. These keep your mind active when you need it to be relaxing.
  • Leave electronic devices out of the bedroom and use the bedroom for sleeping and resting.

Sleep is one of the things I help people with during my Calm & Clarity Hour. Use this link to find out more about my Calm & Clarity Hour.

If you need help and want to find out how working with me can help you, book a free no-obligation Discovery Call with me today.

About Sharon

Therapist, Sharon Taylor, Tamworth, KnowleSharon lives with her partner Geoff in Warwickshire and they have two adult children. She worked for over 25 years in an office environment, gaining qualifications to degree level in finance, business and management. While there Sharon witnessed and experienced many stressful situations and suffered illnesses which were stress-related.

Sharon was advised to make some changes to her lifestyle which included trying complementary therapies. After experiencing the benefits of complementary treatments, Sharon decided to retrain and to share her knowledge and experiences to help others recognise and manage their own physical and emotional stress and anxiety levels.

She has been working as a complementary therapist for over 15 years now and loves helping people manage and reduce their stress levels to feel uplifted, focused, positive and empowered about their lives.

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234

Email: sharon@complete-harmony.co.uk

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