managing stress | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Five Habits to Reduce & Manage your Stress Levels

If you’re looking for effective ways to reduce and manage your stress levels, then take a look at these five activities. Managing your stress effectively will help you to: – Build your self-belief Increase your feelings of self-worth Create focus and a more positive mindset. There will always be times in your life when you …

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goal setting with intention | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Goal Setting with Intentions

Do you set goals? Goal setting is great for helping you to identify and focus on what you want to achieve. What success looks like is different for everyone and setting goals helps you to see and then make a plan of action towards achieving your goals. In the workplace setting S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, actionable, …

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Sharon Tayor | Complete Harmony |how often should i have a reflexology treatment

How often should you have a reflexology treatment?

One of the many questions I’m asked before someone starts working with me is how often should I have a reflexology treatment. The benefits of a reflexology treatment vary from person to person so before answering this question I always consider these 5 things about a potential client: 1. their circumstances 2. their initial reason …

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Simple meditation techniques for working women | Complete Harmony | Author Shelley Wilson | Meditation

Simple Meditation Techniques for Women in Business

The benefits of meditation have been spoken about for decades, and yet the number of people actively meditating is still relatively small. Why do we shy away from things that are good for us? Quite often we are sucked into the ‘too good to be true’ vibe and start to doubt that something so simple …

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5 reasons why mental clarity id good for you | Sharon Taylor | complete harmony

5 Reason Why Mental Clarity is Good for You

When you have mental clarity, you can think straight and deal with problems in more efficient and effective ways. When your mind is fully active and engaged, you’re able to remain productive and working through problems is a breeze. When you feel worried, anxious or stressed your mental clarity is affected, and you can feel …

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self care and why it's important | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Self-care and Why it’s Important

Most of us spend much of our time attending to the needs of others at home or at work. But making the time to do something for ourselves and practise self-care is important too. This could take the form of caring for family members and supporting friends, at work when you are making sure clients …

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5 ways to boost scholl staff wellbeing | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

5 Ways to Boost School Staff Wellbeing

At this time of the year for most schools, there is a lot of focus on helping students prepare for their end of year exams. As the headteacher, you will also be aware of how the wellbeing of your staff plays a crucial part in a successful outcome for all concerned. The challenges of the …

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hand reflexology for stress relief

Reflexology Techniques to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

A rise in stress and anxiety can impact your professional and personal life. That stress affects you physically as well as mentally and emotionally. Most of you will have experienced tension in your shoulders, back, hands, and feet at some point. How does that make you feel? When your body reacts to stress and anxiety …

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Help reducing stress | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Getting help to reduce stress levels

When we are feeling under the weather it could be due to a physical illness. It could also be a sign that we are stressed. If you think it’s the latter, you may need some help to reduce and manage your stress levels. A trip to the GP may have resulted in having a course …

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summer holiday | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Creating a Happy Holiday Break

It’s the summer holiday season and if you’re a busy working mom you may be feeling excited and enthusiastic about time off with the kids. These feelings may be mixed with feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed at the thought of how to create a happy holiday break for everyone. Previously your six weeks summer …

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Setting boundaries | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is something we do as second nature. We have them in all areas of our lives: financial, physical, sexual, emotional, with family and friends, at work etc. Closely linked to our upbringing and usually reflecting our values, boundaries allow everyone to know where they stand. Never be afraid to set boundaries as they …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234


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