stress management | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony | Reducing anxiety

How can I reduce my stress and anxiety levels?

I am passionate about helping people to live their life with less stress. Empowering them to find ways to reduce their stress and anxiety levels is what I love doing. For over 20 years, working as a complementary therapist, I’ve worked with hundreds of people from different walks of life. The main thing they have in …

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workshops | learning together | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

5 ways for carers to create some me-time

As a carer do you find it difficult to carve time out of your busy day for yourself? Do you find that you’re constantly putting the needs of others before your own? At the end of each day do you fall into bed feeling drained and exhausted? This is how many carers I work with …

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How to record your success | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Recording your Successes

During the year do you find yourself asking ‘Where has the time gone’? When reminiscing we think about how things have gone – what we have achieved and what hasn’t been so successful. Throughout the year I try to keep my focus on the positive and on what I have achieved. I encourage my clients …

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self care and why it's important | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Self-care and Why it’s Important

Most of us spend much of our time attending to the needs of others at home or at work. But making the time to do something for ourselves and practise self-care is important too. This could take the form of caring for family members and supporting friends, at work when you are making sure clients …

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15 year anniversary | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

15 Year Anniversary Celebrations

In June 2006, 15 years ago, Complete Harmony was born and the time has just flown by. In 2002 I decided to take my passion for aromatherapy to another level and booked myself on a holistic therapy course – which turned out to be a full-time course! Whilst doing the course an understanding boss allowed …

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saying no | Sharon Taylor | Reducing Stress | Complete Harmony

Saying NO to reduce guilt

When you’re feeling guilty, feelings of stress or anxiety may not be too far behind. Stress can manifest in you in many different ways. From waking at night and not being able to fall asleep again, skin irritations to an upset stomach. It’s different for everyone. If you’re a people pleaser, do you sometimes find …

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self care | Complete Harmony | what is self care | Sharon Taylor

What the heck is self-care anyway?

This month my focus is on self-care. But what the heck is self-care anyway I hear you cry? Self-care is often regarded as being selfish – looking after yourself first and not attending to the needs of others. Putting other people first is polite and appropriate at times. Pouring them the first drink, offering them a …

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7 reasons to forgive | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

7 reasons to choose to forgive

Forgiveness is usually something we think of as a kind, magnanimous act. An act of compassion towards someone who has wronged or angered us. This is sometimes the case, but research has revealed great personal benefits to ourselves if we practice forgiveness. According to research, forgiveness is good for YOUR mind, body and spirit. This …

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take a pit stop | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Running on empty? Five ways to refuel

You know that feeling when you feel you’re running on empty? Your body feel heavy, your movements are slow and sluggish and you can’t think straight. You’d like to be doing more but you only have enough physical or mental strength to get you through the day. The treatments I offer are great for helping …

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signs of stress | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Common signs of stress

We all know that stress is an automatic body response in humans (and animals) that is activated when we’re faced with life-threatening situations. But modern-day life has resulted in this natural response being triggered even when our life isn’t being threatened.  Stress affects everyone in different ways. This could be mentally, emotionally, physically or a …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234


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