stress awareness month | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Stress Awareness – Today & Every Day

April is National Stress Awareness month. A month when we are encouraged to look at how stress is affecting our work and family life and look at what we can do about reducing it. When I was asked to take part in a radio show to talk about my business, I jumped at the chance …

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saying yes to more than you can handle | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Saying ‘Yes’ to more than you can manage?

Are you stuck on a not-so-merry-go-round of saying ‘Yes’ to requests? Does being seen as the go-to person excite you and get you more requests? Do you sometimes feel stressed but push through to fulfil your commitment? I said ‘yes’ to too many things to help other people, and when I couldn’t get them all …

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18 quotes | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

18 awesome quotes to change your perception

I love a good quote. They help to focus my mind so I can gain clarity and either enhance or change my mindset. Quotes come in all shapes and sizes and cover a multitude of situations and circumstances. No matter how you are feeling (anxious, stressed, worried, self-conscious, happy, excited etc.) there is a quote …

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selfcare advent | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to boost your self-care for advent

It’s that time of year again. When the shops have lots of advent calendars filled with things designed to make us feel happy in the run up to Christmas. In past times advent calendars were aimed at children and filled with chocolates and mini toys. Over the last few years an increasing number of calendars …

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signs of stress | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Common signs of stress

We all know that stress is an automatic body response in humans (and animals) that is activated when we’re faced with life-threatening situations. But modern-day life has resulted in this natural response being triggered even when our life isn’t being threatened.  Stress affects everyone in different ways. This could be mentally, emotionally, physically or a …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234


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