self care and why it's important | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Self-care and Why it’s Important

Most of us spend much of our time attending to the needs of others at home or at work. But making the time to do something for ourselves and practise self-care is important too. This could take the form of caring for family members and supporting friends, at work when you are making sure clients …

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Ten Questions about Reflexology | Reflexology | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

What is Reflexology and How Does it Work?

What is reflexology? This ancient art dates back thousands of years.  It was first practised by the Indian, Chinese and Egyptian peoples. Reflexology works on the principle that all organs and glands of the body are represented by reflex points on the feet, hands, ears and face. By applying pressure to these points your body …

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Complete Harmony | The 5 Benefits of Reflexology for Stress in the Workplace | Corporate Reflexology | Sharon Taylor

The 5 Benefits of Reflexology for Stress in the Workplace

Work-related stress and ill-health are responsible for over 1.7 million workers taking an average of 22 days off work each year. What impact does this have on your company? Stress, depression, and anxiety have a detrimental effect on your wellbeing, but what if this is happening to your staff? Looking after your employees should be …

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why workplace wellness makes good business sense | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Why Workplace Wellness makes Good Business Sense

A few years ago I worked with a company delivering on-site chair massages. Workplace wellness was important to them and it included hiring a therapist for a day once a month.  All employees were booked in for a 20-minute session which took place in a meeting room that was reserved for the day. It was …

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your healthcare plan and relfexology

Making your Health Insurance Plan Pay

In the UK many organisations (large and small) included a health insurance plan as part of employees’ benefits package. These plans usually include dental health, opticians, health screening, hospital in-patient visits, chiropractors etc. Most of these treatments support physical conditions that if untreated may result in absenteeism. Over the last five years or so there …

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saying no | Sharon Taylor | Reducing Stress | Complete Harmony

Saying NO to reduce guilt

When you’re feeling guilty, feelings of stress or anxiety may not be too far behind. Stress can manifest in you in many different ways. From waking at night and not being able to fall asleep again, skin irritations to an upset stomach. It’s different for everyone. If you’re a people pleaser, do you sometimes find …

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burnout | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Recognising and managing your stress levels

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected us all in one way or another. Feelings of anxiety, isolation, depression and loss have all been prevalent over the last 12 months. The number of situations that wouldn’t normally cause you to feel stressed may have escalated during the lockdown and some signs that you are stressed may have …

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distant reiki treatment | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

What is Distant Reiki?

If you’ve had an in-person Reiki treatment with me, you’ll know how relaxing it is and how energised and calm you feel after it. My treatment rooms are all designed to give you a relaxing atmosphere to have your treatment in. As you lie on my couch, I link up with the Reiki energy and …

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boost your energy levels | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

How to quickly boost your energy levels

We all get tired from time to time and need more energy. Strong coffee or an energy drink will quickly boost your energy levels but in the long term, something more sustainable (and healthier) is needed. I regularly recommend simple, quick energy-boosting activities to my clients. One initially sceptical client tried a suggestion and was …

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declutter your life | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

7 ways to declutter your life

When was the last time you had a good clear-out? When you spent some time going through drawers and cupboards and throwing away things you no longer need? Chances are during lockdown you may have taken this opportunity to make a start on getting rid of things you don’t need or haven’t used for a …

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crystal therapy | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Using crystals

I love crystals. These beautiful rock formations have been formed in the earth over millions of years. They come in many different shapes and sizes with each having their own sparkle, energies and properties. They are widely available to buy and can be used in jewellery, to decorate your home, during meditations or just to …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234


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