Can Corporate Reflexology Improve Work-Related Stress | Complete Harmony | Reflexology | Wellbeing Workshops | Onsite Massage

Can Corporate Reflexology Improve Work-Related Stress?

Work-related stress is responsible for a high level of corporate sick days, low morale, and a drop in productivity across all sectors of industry. While stress isn’t an illness in itself, it can make you ill, and as an employer or manager, you must protect and support your team. There are many ways a member …

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why workplace wellness makes good business sense | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Why Workplace Wellness makes Good Business Sense

A few years ago I worked with a company delivering on-site chair massages. Workplace wellness was important to them and it included hiring a therapist for a day once a month.  All employees were booked in for a 20-minute session which took place in a meeting room that was reserved for the day. It was …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234


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