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7 Ways for Busy Women to Feel Energised

Do you ever feel like you’ve lost your mojo and you need an injection of mental or physical energy? You’ve ruled out any medical condition that could be causing this fatigue, and you can’t work out what is causing you to feel this way. Lethargy is often something that can be quickly and easily be …

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reiki treatment | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

What Is Facial Reflexology?

If you are looking for a gentle, non-intrusive holistic facial treatment then facial reflexology could be just the one for you. Facial reflexology has its origins in the Vietnamese system of facial acupressure but it is a less invasive and an excellent alternative to facial acupuncture. Like foot reflexology, it works on the principle that there …

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how to control your worrying mind | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

5 ways to take control of your worrying mind

When you worry people will often say to you “don’t worry” or “stop worrying, it doesn’t help” or “worrying doesn’t change anything so just think about something else”. All this is true, but these kind, loving and well-intentioned words aren’t very helpful, are they? And they can sometimes lead to you worrying even more! Worrying …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234


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