managing anxiety | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony | treatment programmes

Why I Created Treatment Programmes

I’ve been working as a complementary therapist for over 20 years and at the start of my journey treatment programmes were not on my radar. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients and performed thousands of treatments and I love the variety this has brought me. Each client comes with personal circumstances, challenges and specific needs. …

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workshops | learning together | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

5 ways for carers to create some me-time

As a carer do you find it difficult to carve time out of your busy day for yourself? Do you find that you’re constantly putting the needs of others before your own? At the end of each day do you fall into bed feeling drained and exhausted? This is how many carers I work with …

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online community sessions | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Community Online Sessions

Do you run a community support group and arrange regular face-to-face meetings? Would you like ways of supporting members who can’t attend your in-person events? If so, my online sessions could be just what you and they need. You can hire me to organise relaxation and wellbeing events online. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many social …

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working with carers | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Working with Carers

When you are caring 24/7 it can be difficult to get some time to yourself – time to rest, relax and recharge. For over 17 years I’ve been providing on-site treatments for care organisations in the form of half or full-day relaxation events. These organisations provide support to people who care for loved ones at …

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distant reiki treatment | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

7 Benefits of a Distant Reiki Treatment

The word Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese word meaning “universal life energy”. Reiki is an excellent gentle, non-intrusive treatment for reducing feelings of stress, anxiety and being overwhelmed. It has the remarkable ability to induce rest, relaxation and to promote healing. It is spiritual in nature but it’s not a religion and will work …

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Reiki | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Why would you have a Reiki treatment?

Are you looking for a way to de-stress, reduce pain, or gain some focus and clarity in these uncertain times? Many people who choose to have a reiki treatment know the benefits of having this treatment. They tell me that when they are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or frazzled, the treatment helps to restore a level …

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how to control your worrying mind | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

5 ways to take control of your worrying mind

When you worry people will often say to you “don’t worry” or “stop worrying, it doesn’t help” or “worrying doesn’t change anything so just think about something else”. All this is true, but these kind, loving and well-intentioned words aren’t very helpful, are they? And they can sometimes lead to you worrying even more! Worrying …

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stress awareness month | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Stress Awareness – Today & Every Day

April is National Stress Awareness month. A month when we are encouraged to look at how stress is affecting our work and family life and look at what we can do about reducing it. When I was asked to take part in a radio show to talk about my business, I jumped at the chance …

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take a pit stop | Complete Harmony | Sharon Taylor

Running on empty? Five ways to refuel

You know that feeling when you feel you’re running on empty? Your body feel heavy, your movements are slow and sluggish and you can’t think straight. You’d like to be doing more but you only have enough physical or mental strength to get you through the day. The treatments I offer are great for helping …

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signs of stress | Sharon Taylor | Complete Harmony

Common signs of stress

We all know that stress is an automatic body response in humans (and animals) that is activated when we’re faced with life-threatening situations. But modern-day life has resulted in this natural response being triggered even when our life isn’t being threatened.  Stress affects everyone in different ways. This could be mentally, emotionally, physically or a …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234


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