Sharon Tayor | Complete Harmony |how often should i have a reflexology treatment

How often should you have a reflexology treatment?

One of the many questions I’m asked before someone starts working with me is how often should I have a reflexology treatment. The benefits of a reflexology treatment vary from person to person so before answering this question I always consider these 5 things about a potential client: 1. their circumstances 2. their initial reason …

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self care | Complete Harmony | what is self care | Sharon Taylor

What the heck is self-care anyway?

This month my focus is on self-care. But what the heck is self-care anyway I hear you cry? Self-care is often regarded as being selfish – looking after yourself first and not attending to the needs of others. Putting other people first is polite and appropriate at times. Pouring them the first drink, offering them a …

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Complete Harmony

Middleton: Senses of Siam, No. 10 The Courtyard Centre, Middleton Hall B78 2AE

Telephone: 07751 942234


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